Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Where's an Ark When You Need One?

Look for your produce to go up substantially in price this season. Every field we saw in Iowa was under water and we now know we just missed more catastrophic weather by one day in Indiana! We think the 'marsh' above was newly planted corn. Today however, there were whitecaps on the standing water which got considerably rougher as the wind rose to gusts of 60 mph. After the semi in front of us blew over on its side, we bailed and started watching for the Fergus Falls exit to find a motel. It was akin to driving through a hurricane, only chillier and once the rain and standing water started blasting across I-94 with the force of fire hose spray, we knew we were in a serious situation. This vertical surf was studded with projectile debris and our camper van almost blew off the road several times before we found cover. We're 'holing up' at a Comfort Inn tonight and wondering what natural disasters lie in store for us in N. Dakota tomorrow. We've encountered blistering heat in Tn. and Mo., 17 year cicadas in Ky., floods in Iowa, strange and destructive winds in Minnesota....and we haven't even gotten close to Glacier yet!


robin peterson said...

Hi Deb,

Wow, you're really having a memorable trip so far. This has been an interesting springtime to say the least. I hope the remainder of your journey to Glacier is less eventful! I'm afraid unseasonably cool and wet weather will greet you for at least the early part of your stay. Thanks for doing the blog, I can revisit vicariously through you. Safe travel. robin

pkeenliside said...

Love the blog, especially about the weather in the midwest.

What a beautiful spot. You will be able to write really well in such a gorgeous place.