Sunday, September 13, 2009

Back to New Brunswick

Weird trees and thrashing waves were the features at Burntcoat Park, consisting of picnic tables, a cliff and a lighthouse simply indicated on the N.S. map with a star which signified "Attraction." Difficult to find, easy to miss but worth the effort!
No, we didn't attempt to put our kayaks in here. We learned our lesson at the Hopewell Rocks!

Rather than take the ferry on Labor Day, we drove back up the N.S. coast into N.B. where we camped at yet another NB Provincial Park, our 5th! If you camp at 3, you get the 4th free, and since they're all under $30, it's a really good deal. Plus, they are all also gorgeous! Even the late afternoon sun on the marsh grass rates a shot!

The first photo is a momument dedicated to the crew of a boat that was lost at sea. The vessel itself is sort of silk-screened or etched into the marble.

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