Sunday, July 11, 2010

Up the Coast...the sequel

The Oregon coast is an elusive beast, hiding in mists but playfully leaping out at one in full color sun just when one has left the camera in the Wee Hoose.... But occasionally, one catches it in the act.

The same goes for elk. We stopped at every elk meadow in Redwood National Forest but finally spotted 4 (one of which was kind enough to give us the full Monty) in an abandoned campground, near the road.
Alas, the sand, nettles and dry air caused Daisy and Buddy so much grief that when we spotted a DIY Dog Wash, we took advantage of it, much to the Budster's dismay.

Two drifters, off to see the world, there's such a lot of world to see....oh drat, that's already been taken!

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