Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Part II

As always, start at bottom and scroll up! And this of course, is where the animals that live on the organic farm stay...which includes a cow, goats, miniature horses and rabbits....lots of rabbits!

Dakota is one of the buildings that provides double (and a few single) rooms for workshops and retreats. My middle and high school choir girls stayed in Dakota on our music retreat.

And the view is scenic, whether one eats inside or out on the new deck. This vantage point features the Dakota structure.

One must admit, the charm of indoor dining is very attractive!

And dumpster take-away usually suffices for those on-the-go on the trail!

But more intimate meals, such as Sunday breakfast are popular as well.

The main function of The Lodge however, is to feed the guests and staff, particularly at the Thanksgiving Feast.

Or with friends, The Cat's Cradle Harmonious Tangle of Strings (and Winds) concertizing in "The Nutshell," an enclosed pavilion on the site.

Occasionally there is other music.....(that would be me...)

There's always something going on in the Lodge, whether it be guests warming themselves in front of the fireplace, playing checkers or a school chorus retreat, singing for the guests while awaiting dinner.

Seasons in Enota are spectacular....each bringing its own grace and beauty to a hide-out in the wilderness that is already appealing to the eye in its own design and construction; weathered, thoughtfully created and in harmony with Nature, as is the Lodge, the heartbeat of Enota.

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