Sunday, August 9, 2009


This is the Gene Stratton-Porter "Cabin," which is described in the historic brochures as 'rustic Queen Anne,' whatever that means. Whatever it is, it's a gorgeous place and I was honored to be a part of this fundraiser to build a visitors' center for it. We also visited Gene's second home a little north of this one, at the head of the old Limberlost Swamp and on the shores of Sylvan Lake. Gene built an even more opulent castle-like home in Los Angeles, where she moved to produce movies based on her books.
Here are the two dolls again, this time from the front. They were featured at the tea, of course.
The front room and the music room were used for the tea set up.
Doing 'my thing,' in Victorian setting this time, rather than a campfire circle.
It was only about 94 that day. Nothing like Victorian-style dresses in midwestern August heat. I also created 24 CDs with the song I composed for this event, based on one of Gene's books that was being commemorated at this tea, on its centennial. The CDs were given out at the tea as souvenirs and will be carried in the gift shop.

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