Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Laura had this very appropriate cake baked and decorated for me and brought it to our farewell party and jam session at the AIR cabin Sunday afternoon. She, of course, is the education specialist and I don't know how Glacier ever managed without her all those years. I think she's only been there 2 or 3 years now, but she has made an incredible difference. She used to be a science teacher in her other life!

Mike enjoying his last night at the cabin. This is how our cabin usually looks, with laundry hanging out...real homey. We'll miss it - not to mention the lake!!!And then there's me, doing my guitar thing and teaching 'the kids' some new songs...like Kum By Yah. Dear kids, though...so nice. They will live here at Glacier, in dorms all summer, flitting hither and yon on bicycles, working in the gift shop, housekeeping, Jammer Joe's Restaurant, driving the Jammer busses, etc., then go back to California, Texas, Afghanistan, Russia or wherever they came from until next summer. They are amazing. This place could not function without them!
Here stands Mike (Father Goose), cooking burgers and dogs for the interpretive rangers and the Glacier Park Inc. employees who we've met over the past 30 days. Everyone in this photo, with the exception of Laura (in the bathing suit), is under 28...way under 28, (not Mike, of course). Later in the evening, a few GPI people over 40 came...yay! Playmates my own age!
But we all had a blast and Dennis McE will be honored to know that I taught them the entire Scat Rap and it they had so much fun that we took it over to the Lodge for the employees' open mike night at 10:30 PM that nite where it was a great hit! So now we are on our way back to Hotlanta, via The Little Bighorn, then Wall Drugs near the Badlands, then through the prairie then who knows where next? Meanwhile, Daisy and Buddy are hanging in there.....

1 comment:

Nakana said...

It's been very interesting and encouraging to read about your adventures. I hope you have many more!